Rudrani is the Tantric “technical” name for the awakened Kundalini (Prana Shakti) at the navel centre, also known as Bhuta Agni—the fire that consumes the ghosts of the past. It is a force of profound transformation, and once activated, it holds the power to dissolve the limitations that keep us bound to old patterns and conditioned behaviours.

Each of us is inherently powerful, far beyond what we’ve been led to believe. What keeps us disconnected from this spiritual potential is the weight and density of the three lower chakras, or worlds, which embody the total of our forgetfulness. Rudrani initiates the process of melting these limitations and transforming them into dynamic, creative energy radiating from the navel centre.

Rudrani arises through the alchemical fusion of two opposing forces: Pran Vayu (upward-moving energy) and Apana Vayu (downward-moving energy). This fusion is cultivated through daily, disciplined practice, full of reverence. As we deepen into this practice with a stable mind, our addictions, attachments, and destructive patterns lose their grip on us. They are consumed by Rudrani’s fire, becoming fuel for transformation and liberation.

Before this process can safely unfold, mastery over the Moon (mind) and Sun (energy) stages is essential. When these energies are balanced and in harmony, they nourish our Ojas (vital health), ensuring that our inner fire burns steadily without depleting us. Without this foundation, Rudrani’s fire can go out quite quickly.

Once we are ready, Rudrani should be touched through practice every day. Even if it is not the ultimate aim of a particular Sadhana, its presence will naturally support and sustain the fire of transformation. By consistently activating Rudrani, the lower chakras are cleansed, revitalised, and harmonised, creating a stable foundation for deeper spiritual growth.

When Rudrani is alive within us, there will be no doubt. It ignites a deep yearning for clarity and self-knowledge, pushing us forward with unwavering courage and determination—even in the face of life’s grittiness. It empowers us with confidence, independence, fortitude, and the capacity to blaze a trail toward what is sacred and true. Rudrani is the bright, transformative force that fuels our personal evolution and lights the way for all that is good in the world.


7 TONGUES OF THE FIRE - Sushumna: The Sacred Stream


7 TONGUES OF THE FIRE - Prana Dharana