7 TONGUES OF THE FIRE - Prana Dharana

Learning to gather and direct energy (Prana) is the foundation of an effective practice, whether the goal is spiritual growth or material success. Prana Dharana awakens the potential within a practice and transforms visualisation into direct experience. Activating a field of Prana unlocks deeper layers of our practices, revealing insights that cannot be accessed through surface-level effort.

Prana can be gathered throughout the body, with the Chakras serving as primary collection points. However, the center of the forehead—our seat of heightened subtle sensitivity—is the main focus for stabilising energy. On a biological level, this stimulates the pineal gland, heightening our perception and awakening a deeper awareness often referred to as our higher senses.

Prana Dharana bridges the gap between intellectual knowledge and experiential wisdom. For example, meditating on a Chakra’s image from a book differs from directly experiencing it through Prana Dharana. This technique animates our meditation objects—be it a Kriya, Mantra, or prayer—within the subtle, luminous space of our minds.

Energy Collection Points for Meditation

The three main energy gates for meditation are the navel, heart, and forehead. These are broader energy fields, not traditional Chakras, and serve as focal points where the mind can rest and absorb into its object of focus. Each gate has unique purposes, but all create a grounded container for deeper meditation, preventing energy from becoming scattered.

  • The Navel: Supports confidence, willpower, self-reliance, physical health, and mental clarity.

  • The Heart: Cultivates emotional balance, self-love, reverence for life, and connection to the Divine, helping us move beyond suffering.

  • Center of Forehead: Known as the field of the timeless teacher, this gate connects us to higher wisdom, universal knowledge, and self-realisation.

By working with these gates, Prana Dharana transforms meditation into a powerful, integrated experience, allowing us to tap into both inner clarity and a profound connection with life.




7 TONGUES OF THE FIRE - Viveka Shakti